Sunday, November 7, 2010

Mississauga Computer - CSD Computers - 905-608-9935

Mississauga Computer - CSD Computers - 905-608-9935

How To Protect Your Computer From Virus/Pop-Ups On A Budget?

We receive numerous questions from budget conscious consumers on how to reduce spam/virus attack on their computers? Most tell me that they are on a budget and can’t afford to purchase internet security software so; this is what I tell them.

I initially, first ask them to pay attention to what files, website or programs are they using or visiting when their computer system freezes or all those pop-ups start to pop up. Then, the obvious thing would be to avoid those programs, websites or file downloads.

When they get multiple pop-ups that they don’t want I will suggest to them to close the pop-up window not by pointing their mouse on the X on the pop-up window but to right-click on their mouse and close the window that way. Numerous pop-up/viruses are activated once you close the pop-up window via pointing your mouse on the X and closing the pop-up window/virus that way.

For people on a tight budget there are two free things that you can use that will help protect you against viruses, they are 1) using Mozilla Firefox browser and 2) using the free AVG (free internet security/anti-virus program).

Using Mozilla Firefox browser instead of Microsoft Internet Explorer will greatly enhance your browsing safety and I find that it’s more secure. Then for those of you who don’t want or can’t afford to purchase internet security/anti-virus software I would suggest to download the free AVG internet security/anti-virus program.

These downloads can be found by typing “Mozilla Firefox” or “AVG” into your search engine.

All The Best,

CSD Computers

3145 Dundas St West, Unit 10A

Mississauga, Ontario, L5L-5V8
